Q: I'm new here, what exactly is a Booster?
A: Boosters are parents and guardians of students who are enrolled in the band program at Champion High School.
Q: What do Boosters do?
A: Boosters support the band program at Boerne-Samuel V. Champion High School and assist its directors in the tactical implementation (events, contests, programs, etc.) and long-term strategies of the program through volunteerism, fundraising, communications and advocacy. We promote cooperation between the bands, schools and community. And we boost continuation of the CHS band program by collaborating with the band directors at the middle schools that feed into CHS to support activities aimed at transitioning 8th graders into the program.
Q: When/Where do you need my help?
A: The short answer is now and everywhere. Supporting the band is an all-year commitment by the boosters, which is why we need our parent volunteers. Whether you a volunteer all the time or only for an hour, any time you can offer is greatly appreciated and supports the band students. You can check out where we need help on the volunteer page or reach out to any officer or chair.
Q: Why do we do this?
A: Supporting the Champion Band is necessary to help ensure its success. All funds raised go straight to supporting the band. Our volunteers provide a number of functions, from chaperoning the band on trips, contests and games, to morale-boosting events like pool parties and Homecoming tailgates, purchasing new instruments and equipment, and much more.
Q: Are there costs for my student to be in band?
A: Students pay a school activities fee and uniform rental fee to participate in the Champion Band. There is also a summer band/parade uniform (dry-fit shirt, shorts, hat) that is required and an annual tour shirt that reflects the theme of the marching show. Also if your student needs to purchase marching shoes, rent a school instrument or opts to purchase spirit wear, or the football season meal plan, there are additional charges.
Q: Can I have booster funds allocated directly to my student's account?
A: No. Money cannot be donated to the boosters on an individual student basis. Donations must support the band. However, monetary donations may be stipulated that the money be used for a specific purchase that benefits the Champion Band.
Q: What is the 8 Hour Rule?
A: The 8 Hour Rule is a specific set of guidelines for rehearsals outside the regular school day. Our directors are fully aware of the rule and work well within the guidelines. Here's a link to the UIL page explaining the rule: http://www.uiltexas.org/music/marching-band/eight-hour-marching-band-rule-qa
Q: Do we REALLY need all this fundraising? Where does the money go?
A: Every year the Champion Band Boosters donates tens of thousands of dollars to the band program for things like instruments, part-time instructors and props for our shows. Funds are also used for things like band travel expenses, trailer improvements and music costs. We know that fundraising isn’t everyone’s favorite thing but it truly is necessary in order for the band to maintain its continued level of excellence and keep the costs of being in the band low. Here are just a few examples of the what the Champion Band Booster funds have supported:
Q: How will I be know what is going on throughout the year?
A: Register on our website! Emails sent via the Band Boosters and our Band Directors are distributed based on email addresses registered on the Band Booster website. We also have Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Q: What is a Call Time?
A: Call time is set by Mr. Younts and is the time students need to report to the band hall on performance days and are usually announced via email the day or two before. Home games have call times closer to 5:30-5:45 pm so students have time to grab a quick dinner. Away games have much earlier call times (sometimes we even leave during school) and students should purchase a fall season game meal to cover dinner and after game snacks.
Q: Where exactly do I drop off and pick up my student?
A: Student can be dropped off outside the band hall, which is on the back side of Champion High School. The curb running along the building is the bus lane. You may use the bus lane to drop off your student. When you pick up your student, please DO NOT park in the bus lane. It takes several buses to transport the band, and that is where they park to let the students off after the games. Please park in one of the parking spaces around the band hall.
Q: What can I expect on game nights?
A: Report times will be different for home and away games, as will the return times. Students will meet at the Champion Band Hall regardless. Buses will transport the students to the stadium and the band performs throughout the game. The trips require parent volunteers to help with load crew, chaperoning and first aid. These volunteers are known as Wranglers. If you are interested in being a Wrangler, please sign up on the volunteer page. We need and appreciate the help!
Q: How will I know when to pick up my student after games or competitions?
A: When report times are announced, the Band Directors will put an estimated time of return. Students will be asked to text their parents as we arrive in Boerne on the return trip. We also have a twitter account, @CBBoosters, that you can follow and enable alerts to get accurate updates on return times.
Q: What can I expect on competition days?
A: Competitions occur on Saturdays usually during October. Locations and times will be announced via email. Students will meet at the band hall and buses will transport the band. Some competitions may have a preliminary and finals format, so they may be half-day or all-day events.
Q: What is the football season meal plan and does it offer options?
A: The football season meal plan ensures your student has fuel for away game nights, full-day contest days and possible play-off games. For each away game, students meet in the cafeteria after school and will be fed a meal before departing. They will also received a snack (like pizza) after the away games before they load the buses. For contest days where we make finals, the students will be fed as well. Due to the amount of students being fed, we cannot order specialized foods for students with specific diets, such as Gluten-Free or food allergies.
Q:What happens if my student forgets/losses a part of their uniform on game/competition day?
A: The uniform committee attends all games and competitions and will have “spares” for most uniform parts. The uniform committee is available at the uniform closet in the band hall before each call time to rent any forgotten piece of the uniform. They also carry extra shoes, socks, hats, hat wraps and gauntlets to competitions for emergency use. There may be a small fee of $5 or less to borrow any uniform item. Lost items will need to be paid for if not found before uniforms are turned in for the season. Any found uniform pieces are turned in to the uniform committee, so students should check with them to see if the lost item has been found. You can find out more on the uniform care page. These fees will need to be paid prior to grades being released.
Q: How do I clean and care for my uniform?
A: We have all of the instructions on this page!
A: Boosters are parents and guardians of students who are enrolled in the band program at Champion High School.
Q: What do Boosters do?
A: Boosters support the band program at Boerne-Samuel V. Champion High School and assist its directors in the tactical implementation (events, contests, programs, etc.) and long-term strategies of the program through volunteerism, fundraising, communications and advocacy. We promote cooperation between the bands, schools and community. And we boost continuation of the CHS band program by collaborating with the band directors at the middle schools that feed into CHS to support activities aimed at transitioning 8th graders into the program.
Q: When/Where do you need my help?
A: The short answer is now and everywhere. Supporting the band is an all-year commitment by the boosters, which is why we need our parent volunteers. Whether you a volunteer all the time or only for an hour, any time you can offer is greatly appreciated and supports the band students. You can check out where we need help on the volunteer page or reach out to any officer or chair.
Q: Why do we do this?
A: Supporting the Champion Band is necessary to help ensure its success. All funds raised go straight to supporting the band. Our volunteers provide a number of functions, from chaperoning the band on trips, contests and games, to morale-boosting events like pool parties and Homecoming tailgates, purchasing new instruments and equipment, and much more.
Q: Are there costs for my student to be in band?
A: Students pay a school activities fee and uniform rental fee to participate in the Champion Band. There is also a summer band/parade uniform (dry-fit shirt, shorts, hat) that is required and an annual tour shirt that reflects the theme of the marching show. Also if your student needs to purchase marching shoes, rent a school instrument or opts to purchase spirit wear, or the football season meal plan, there are additional charges.
Q: Can I have booster funds allocated directly to my student's account?
A: No. Money cannot be donated to the boosters on an individual student basis. Donations must support the band. However, monetary donations may be stipulated that the money be used for a specific purchase that benefits the Champion Band.
Q: What is the 8 Hour Rule?
A: The 8 Hour Rule is a specific set of guidelines for rehearsals outside the regular school day. Our directors are fully aware of the rule and work well within the guidelines. Here's a link to the UIL page explaining the rule: http://www.uiltexas.org/music/marching-band/eight-hour-marching-band-rule-qa
Q: Do we REALLY need all this fundraising? Where does the money go?
A: Every year the Champion Band Boosters donates tens of thousands of dollars to the band program for things like instruments, part-time instructors and props for our shows. Funds are also used for things like band travel expenses, trailer improvements and music costs. We know that fundraising isn’t everyone’s favorite thing but it truly is necessary in order for the band to maintain its continued level of excellence and keep the costs of being in the band low. Here are just a few examples of the what the Champion Band Booster funds have supported:
- $50,000 purchase and interior buildout of 48 foot equipment trailer
- $22,000 new percussion instruments and equipment
- $20,000 copyright fees for show music annually
- $14,000 construction of a new director tower and installation of solar shades
- $10,000 part-time instructors annually
- $7,000 pop-up canopy tents and audio equipment for practices
- $5,000 replace concession stand equipment
- $2,000 student leadership training camps and sessions annually
Q: How will I be know what is going on throughout the year?
A: Register on our website! Emails sent via the Band Boosters and our Band Directors are distributed based on email addresses registered on the Band Booster website. We also have Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Q: What is a Call Time?
A: Call time is set by Mr. Younts and is the time students need to report to the band hall on performance days and are usually announced via email the day or two before. Home games have call times closer to 5:30-5:45 pm so students have time to grab a quick dinner. Away games have much earlier call times (sometimes we even leave during school) and students should purchase a fall season game meal to cover dinner and after game snacks.
Q: Where exactly do I drop off and pick up my student?
A: Student can be dropped off outside the band hall, which is on the back side of Champion High School. The curb running along the building is the bus lane. You may use the bus lane to drop off your student. When you pick up your student, please DO NOT park in the bus lane. It takes several buses to transport the band, and that is where they park to let the students off after the games. Please park in one of the parking spaces around the band hall.
Q: What can I expect on game nights?
A: Report times will be different for home and away games, as will the return times. Students will meet at the Champion Band Hall regardless. Buses will transport the students to the stadium and the band performs throughout the game. The trips require parent volunteers to help with load crew, chaperoning and first aid. These volunteers are known as Wranglers. If you are interested in being a Wrangler, please sign up on the volunteer page. We need and appreciate the help!
Q: How will I know when to pick up my student after games or competitions?
A: When report times are announced, the Band Directors will put an estimated time of return. Students will be asked to text their parents as we arrive in Boerne on the return trip. We also have a twitter account, @CBBoosters, that you can follow and enable alerts to get accurate updates on return times.
Q: What can I expect on competition days?
A: Competitions occur on Saturdays usually during October. Locations and times will be announced via email. Students will meet at the band hall and buses will transport the band. Some competitions may have a preliminary and finals format, so they may be half-day or all-day events.
Q: What is the football season meal plan and does it offer options?
A: The football season meal plan ensures your student has fuel for away game nights, full-day contest days and possible play-off games. For each away game, students meet in the cafeteria after school and will be fed a meal before departing. They will also received a snack (like pizza) after the away games before they load the buses. For contest days where we make finals, the students will be fed as well. Due to the amount of students being fed, we cannot order specialized foods for students with specific diets, such as Gluten-Free or food allergies.
Q:What happens if my student forgets/losses a part of their uniform on game/competition day?
A: The uniform committee attends all games and competitions and will have “spares” for most uniform parts. The uniform committee is available at the uniform closet in the band hall before each call time to rent any forgotten piece of the uniform. They also carry extra shoes, socks, hats, hat wraps and gauntlets to competitions for emergency use. There may be a small fee of $5 or less to borrow any uniform item. Lost items will need to be paid for if not found before uniforms are turned in for the season. Any found uniform pieces are turned in to the uniform committee, so students should check with them to see if the lost item has been found. You can find out more on the uniform care page. These fees will need to be paid prior to grades being released.
Q: How do I clean and care for my uniform?
A: We have all of the instructions on this page!